
Cardinal Dolan: Trump is not Pro-Life

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Tell Cardinal Dolan: Trump is not pro-life
Earlier this week, New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan and other bishops had a phone call with President Trump. According to a recording and news reports, Trump boasted he was the best president “in the history of the Catholic Church,” touted his “pro-life” record, and urged the leaders to do “what they have to do” to get out the vote for his re-election. Instead of challenging Trump’s cruelty toward immigrants, denial of climate change and racism, Cardinal Dolan praised the president. He even joked he talked to Trump more than his own mother. The cardinal then went on Fox News to thank Trump for his sensitivity to “the feelings of the religious community.” Join me in telling Cardinal Dolan that there is nothing “pro-life” about Trump’s cruelty and immoral policies: (https://fpl.actionkit.com/sign/dolan-trump-call?referring_akid=.88555.aU-eZ6&source=taf)