Faith Leader,
Yesterday, all eyes were on Ohio as people of faith and conscience went to the polls and passed a statewide ballot initiative that enshrines comprehensive reproductive rights – including access to abortion, contraception, fertility treatment and miscarriage care – in the Ohio Constitution!
This victory belongs to the overwhelming majority of Ohioans of faith from across our diverse traditions who spoke out and told their story and the stories of their loved ones, who stood up in defense of our shared dignity, who prayed with their ballot and voted YES to being co-creators with God to ensure everyone has safe, healthy and sustainable communities where they can thrive.
We won, but the fight isn’t over in Ohio or the rest of the country.
In Florida, Faith in Public Life Action is working with allies and partners toward passing a similar statewide ballot initiative in 2024. We learned some deeply important lessons in Ohio about ways that faith leaders across diverse traditions can play a prophetic leadership role in winning access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, and we’re taking those lessons to Florida in 2024. Can you give $20 to fund our next fight to protect democracy and abortion access in Florida?

Your donation will help us reach people of faith and resource this movement. From ads to advocacy actions, signs to sign-ons and trainings to transportation, your support will make an impact where our rights are under attack.
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Over the course of this campaign, we learned the power of our collective story. We witnessed the profound impact faith leaders have when they speak authentically, prophetically and with purpose. We saw what happens when we lead with courage, compassion and conviction. With our victory last night in Ohio, we have a growing blueprint for how people of faith can use our power to change the story around faith and reproductive freedom, make history and transform our communities for the better.
We can replicate our success in Florida, but only if we have the will and resources to achieve it, only if we pull together to make it happen. Join us by making a contribution - collective action today will bring success next November!

In faith,
Jeanné Lewis (she/her) CEO, Faith in Public Life Action