Dear Mayor Ginther,
We believe every child of God deserves to be safe and healthy. But the leadership of the Columbus Division of Police has allowed excessive and deadly force against our Black and brown neighbors for too long. We acknowledge that you demoted Chief Thomas Quinlan before the end of his probationary period on February 7, 2021, but we call for his termination from the Columbus Division of Police.
We need a police chief who leads change and responds to the demands of the community. Chief Thomas Quinlan has failed the people of Columbus in multiple ways including gross negligence in the investigation of Casey Goodson Jr.’s death by not contacting BCI in a timely manner, failing to arrest Adam Coy for the murder of Andre Hill, aggressively mismanaging the antiracist protests last summer, and perpetuating a culture of racism and violence against Black people within the Columbus Division of Police and in the community.
Seeking the peace of the city,